Friday, November 21, 2014

Rules of being a Gentleman :)

This is a little thing I wrote up as a part of my blog. A lady’s point of view is ALWAYS important : )

1.   Having a beard or moustache does not automatically make you a gent.

2.   Being a true Gent doesn’t just involve treating her nicely whilst trying to win her over, it involves treating her nicely all the time.

3.   Hold her hand.

4.   You can take turns paying for meals! 

5.   Hold the door.

6.   Have conversation without shutting down her inspirations.

7.   Apologies are important when you are in the wrong.

8.   Respect her passions, dreams, & goals. Try your BEST to help her fulfill them.

9.   You are never inferior or superior. Neither is she.

10.  Surprise her with little things each week. A note, a simple visit at work, a reminder of what she means to you and how far you’re willing to show her what she means to you, is the most important thing. Simplicity speaks the loudest.

That’s all I have for now, but stay tuned for a much longer list! Feel free to comment with input : )
. Thanks! Ang, xx