Just kidding, I'm a a northerner, we don't say that there. Y'all up north is a term used by ghetto people.
Let me start over.
So, I am a vegetarian. Going strong for about 4 years, and one sad year eating meat.
I can say that after a year of trying to eat meat again, I hated it! I was miserable.
With this LIFESTYLE, (notice I said lifestyle, not "diet") there comes a sad pressure from society which intends to make us feel guilty for our habits and choices.
Imagine that! Society trying to make us feel guilty about something that makes us happy!! HUH!
Isn't that something.....and a gosh darn shame.
This pressure that exists, I hear it, every day. I do not tell anyone that I am veggie, because of the remarks I have gotten. I should not have to feel anxiety. I should be able to live this lifestyle without worrying whether people will want to hang out with me, or what they are assuming.
Yes, there is actually a thing where people don't want to hangout with me. They think it will be too difficult for me to find food to eat.
So these misunderstandings.......
They mostly come from guy friends, when we are all eating together.
Tendency #1- They complain that I seem to be missing a food group, so I respond telling them that I am vegetarian. Then t
They immediately respond rhetorically.."You're a vegetarian?!"
They immediately respond rhetorically.."You're a vegetarian?!"
First comes the "What!?" then the "Why??" then the .."...For how long???"
As if i'm some sort of girl friend who has been cheating, or something.....
My response to the "What" is always nothing, because I have literally just told them "what."
I am vegetarian. It is what it is. I am sturdy in my choice.
My response to the "Why"....well, sometimes I don't even get into that one.
It's worse than politics, sadly. I believe that animals have feelings. I also do not digest meat well.
THAT's why. Do I really need to tell you that while we are standing in the food line??
My response to the "How long?" Well, I tell them. about 4 years, & a year gone astray.
Now after all of this has been cleared up, there is always some sort of sad silence.
Most likely because everyone in the group is thinking something about this new idea...
this new perspective.....
Not so bad a conversation, eh? All of the hangouts time & time after....
That's when the storms roll in.
Guys, will either,
A- Make jokes about my lifestyle, which depending who, what, etc...
I will generally just smile or laugh them off.
But guys have a tendency to argue, or defend themselves automatically, as If i have been plotting some huge debate against their carnivorous habits.
NO! I do not, & will not, argue about this choice. I will stand up for myself and declare my choice.
B- Some guys will go the complete other end...trying to baby me and treat me like some sort of princess. I don't need that.... I'm...I'm fine, really. Just respect, please.
Let me clear something up..... I STILL LOVE FOOD.
I cut one food group....I still love sugar, ice cream, all that fun stuff!! Waffles!! Take me out to Waffle House, for crying out loud!! I'm a cheap date..... get the jist?
That's where the "not hanging out with me anymore" thing comes in....
People don't want to hangout with me, because they think I'm high maintenance, too hard to take care of, or that I won't eat.
Now, the girls... unless they are truly my friends, they tend to be a little snarky.
Yeah, snarky. Like, making crude comments about my choice, letting me know how annoyingly high maintenance I am, asking eat very meal if I will eat what is available, & rolling their eyes in...snarkiness.
These types of chick friends I tend to stray from, because they're just as bad as the dude friends who do the same thing.
Ah. I am tired. Time for hall meeting. Meh.
My attention is focused on writing right now.
So I just wanted to let you know that you can treat me as a normal person. Love me.
I just really like veggies.
thanks. :)